New specialist worker enhances support offer
May 2021
A new team member is ensuring we deliver the very best, and most appropriate, care to our participants.
The new Specialist Support Worker role allows us to offer enhanced support and further signpost to specialist services for the men and women we support as well as our own team.
Faye McManus has taken on the new post with an ambition to deliver the highest quality, person-centred support. Her background is in mental health and substance misuse services, including leading a large team of lived experience workers for The Calico Group in Blackpool.
The position has been made possible by partners Recycling Lives Ltd, the recycling and waste management business, which is funding the position for three years. Faye’s offering will also be extended to the business’ team, allowing its staff to also access support.
The expertise and experience she brings further broadens the support and signposting already delivered, building new links with other services and providers. Faye will be on hand to support any participant of the prisons, workshops and residential programmes as well as volunteers at the Food Redistribution Centre and our own employees.
Faye said: “I’m really excited to be part of the team here and contribute to changing lives.
“I’ll be working with people to maintain good mental health and build ‘recovery capital’. This means treating each person individually, looking at what building blocks they need to maintain employment, reduce their reoffending risk or sustain sobriety, or cope with an immediate crisis or risk. I’ll work with them to understand their hobbies and interests, home life, relationships, work or finances and then build a holistic support package.
“Some people might just need someone to talk to as a one-off, others will want ongoing support – I’m here to support people whatever their need. It will be a confidential, non-judgemental and safe environment.”
Faye’s work will remain confidential, working through both a referral and self-referral process.
Charity chief executive Alasdair Jackson said: “We’re really excited to have Faye on our team. She not only brings really valuable skills and experience, she’s also a genuinely warm and approachable person who I’m confident our participants will quickly trust and respect.
“She will play a pivotal role working across both our charity and the business. We’re grateful to the business for funding this project – another unique, joint venture that shows the true value and impact of working in partnership.”