“I was homeless for three years – just living in a tent. I never begged, never stole, I just had Universal Credit and a takeaway owner looked out for me, giving me food.
“One day I went and bought a phone and started talking to my sister again and it was her who got me into Recycling Lives.
“We went to a few other places first but all they’d say was ‘we’ll get back to you’ or just offer a sleeping bag.
“I’d asked for help before that too but when you’re put in a place with 10 other people who are using drugs it’s no good. I wanted to sort my head out – I wanted to help myself.
“The other lads in Recycling Lives, they want that too so it’s a good atmosphere. It showed me it was possible to get back to where I’d been before.
“I had everything – my own home, a girlfriend and kids, a car, a good job. I had it good but it all deteriorated because of drugs.
“Now I’ve got all those things back. And I’m back in contact with my children and my mum and dad.
“The experience in the residential is what you make of it. The team are amazing in what they’ll do for you – but they can’t do it for you.
“I’ve qualified as a fire marshall and a banksman and I’ve renewed my Fork Lift Truck license plus they helped me to sort out some debts. Now I’m working for a recycling company, driving all the machinery.
“You have to put your mind to it but I wouldn’t be where I am now without the charity.”