teaching cookery skills

Training Kitchen

Working with Jamie’s Ministry of Food we’re supporting people to develop key cookery skills. Our Training Kitchen teaches people how to cook simple, tasty meals, helping them to better manage their budgets and enjoy a variety of nutritious foods. Classes are affordable and tailored to suit participants needs and dietary requirements.

  • Improving life skills
  • Improving health & wellbeing
  • Supporting better financial stability
  • Reducing food waste
Jamie's Ministry of Food cookery classes by Recycling Lives

Our impact

We’re supporting participants to enjoy improved health and wellbeing and financial stability by teaching life skills around cooking and budgeting.

  • Skills
  • Support
  • Food
Jamie's Ministry of Food cookery classes by Recycling Lives

Keeping cooking skills alive

Jamie’s Ministry of Food is a practical and hands-on community-based cooking programme that teaches people of all ages how to cook from scratch.
All classes use Jamie Oliver recipes and resources, specially developed with nutrition and balance in mind. These aim to build participants’ confidence to cook good, affordable, nutritious meals for themselves and their families. The programme also uses behavioural change techniques to encourage participants to develop healthier eating habits.

Jamie's Ministry of Food cookery classes by Recycling Lives

Delivering inspiring classes

Our Ministry of Food chef/trainer delivers inspiring courses for people from all walks of life. The hands-on classes are suitable for everyone from beginners through to the most confident cooks, exploring nutrition, cookery techniques, safety and hygiene.
Over eight weeks participants cover basic cooking skills, low-cost cooking, and how to make good food choices.

Jamie's Ministry of Food cookery classes by Recycling Lives

Making classes accessible

The eight-week course is priced accessibly, charging a modest fee for each class dependent on each participant’s individual circumstances – typically the eight-week course will cost £100 per participant (or £15 per taster session), or £25 for those in receipt of benefits (£5 per taster session).
The classes can also be adapted to suit those with dietary requirements, with a wide range of recipes available.

Jamie's Ministry of Food cookery classes by Recycling Lives

Reducing food waste

Working with our Food Redistribution Centre and FareShare UK, our Training Kitchen uses food that would have otherwise gone to waste. Cookery class participants learn how to use unusual or seasonal items as well as common food items.
Our cookery classes also show participants how to develop clever, creative recipe ideas and shopping lists so nothing goes to waste.

Three generations in the UK have not been taught basic cooking skills – such skills are a major contributor in being able to make healthy food choices. Using the Ministry of Food programme our Training Kitchen teaches people how to cook meals that are simple, tasty, affordable and healthy.

Together we’re changing lives

Our Training Kitchen is part of the national Ministry of Food programme, delivering an accredited, tried and tested programme to improve participants’ skills and confidence. Jamie’s Ministry of Food has already reached 100,000 people around the world, promoting healthier eating habits.

New equipment and facilities in our Training Kitchen have been funded by FareShare UK, our partners for our Food Redistribution Centre as we deliver FareShare Lancashire & Cumbria.

The Training Kitchen is also linked to our community café – a welcoming, accessible and affordable café in the heart of Preston. Serving a range of tasty and affordable meals, it already caters to members of the local community and workers from neighbouring businesses. All profits go back into our social enterprise.

Get in touch

Our training kitchen is run by Katrina and Mike. Katrina oversees operations, while Mike delivers the courses and sources tasty, quality goods for participants to use in their cookery classes.
Supporting each class participant, Mike works on basic skills, behaviour change and different cooking techniques.

To sign up for a course, as an individual or on behalf of your organisation, speak to us today.

Speak to Katrina today about joining our Ministry of Food cookery classes