“Jail was a blessing in disguise for me.
“I was on drugs back then, majorly depressed and very lonely – I was either going to end up dead or in jail. Jail gave me an opportunity to change my life.
“I knuckled down and got on with it. Working with Recycling Lives was the main thing that got me into a good routine and ready for the outside world.
“Ben would come in and go through a plan with me, offering me opportunities, and then he picked me up when I was released.
“I moved into Emmaus in St Albans for six months and that gave me more life and work experience. I could’ve gone to the residential in Preston and I did consider that, but it was just a bit too far away from my family, I wanted to be near them to rebuild those relationships.
“My family and friends are all back talking to me now. I’d rather have everything I’ve got now – family, friends, a missus, a job and a home – than drugs
“I’m two years down the line now. I work for a really innovative business that supplies the NHS and Ministry of Defence. We’ve got plenty of work on and I know I’m fortunate to still be in work while some people are losing their jobs. I’m using my head and I had a payrise recently – onwards and upwards!”