“I wanted to work but didn’t know where to start.
“When my three kids had grown up and left home, I wanted to get a job but I didn’t have any qualifications or experience.
“My partner said I should try volunteering. So I went along to the Food Redistribution Centre.
“It was overwhelming at first – I had anxiety and depression. But I had a lot of support.
“I did a year there in total. I trained as a Fire Marshall and learned to drive a fork lift truck. Everyone was so supportive and helped me to learn new skills – things I didn’t think I could do.
“Because I’d learned so much I could start applying for jobs and I got a job at a recycling yard.
“I don’t know what I would have done without the opportunity to volunteer.
“I’ve become much more confident. I don’t feel depressed anymore.
“When you can pay your bills and you’ve got money left over, that’s a good feeling.”